Lori Pickens

wedding bouquet for wedding questionnaire

Photographer Freebie: Questions to Add to Your Wedding Client Questionnaire

In the ever-evolving world of wedding photography, finding ways to streamline your workflow and enhance client experience is vital. One tool that has significantly transformed my operations is a wedding questionnaire, sent out through my Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system a month before the big day.

When to Send Your Wedding Questionnaire

Why one month? I’ve found it to be the perfect timeline. Any earlier, and couples may still be making adjustments to their plans. Any later, and there’s a risk of feeling rushed to finalize timelines or iron out last-minute details. This one-month mark strikes a balance, allowing for a seamless coordination process.

As we continue to navigate the digital age and online communication becomes increasingly prevalent, automation has become an invaluable tool. The automated wedding questionnaire has practically replaced the need for a post-booking planning consultation with my couples. It has proven to be an efficient way to gather necessary information while freeing up more time to focus on what truly matters – capturing their special moments.

How to Use Your Wedding Questionnaire

The questionnaire is more than just a data collection tool. It’s also a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and manage your clients’ expectations. Posing thoughtful questions and providing useful suggestions can guide them through the planning process, reinforcing your role as a trusted expert.

After initial meetings and once contracts are filled out, I send the questionnaire to my couples. By this point, I understand who they are, their vision for their day, and their preferred pronouns. This personalization ensures the questionnaire resonates with them, providing meaningful insights.

Maintaining a flexible approach is crucial. For instance, I have an alternative questionnaire using ‘Partner1’ and ‘Partner2’. This caters to diverse relationship dynamics, ensuring every couple feels seen, heard, and respected.

Make Your Wedding Questionnaire Easy

Simplicity and clarity are key when creating these questionnaires. An easy-to-understand form enhances the client experience, considering the complexity of wedding planning. Above all, treating your clients with consideration and kindness should be paramount. These values will shine through in your interactions and leave a lasting impression.

Now, I want to share my experience and learnings with you. I’ve created a FREE guide, “Questions to Add to Your Wedding Client Questionnaire.” This guide is designed to help you craft a comprehensive questionnaire that covers all bases and facilitates smooth communication with your clients.

This resource will not only save you time but also elevate your service, positioning you as an expert in your field. It includes a range of carefully curated questions that delve into the essential aspects of the wedding day. I’ve also included tips on personalizing the questionnaire to cater to diverse clients.

Whether you’re new to the wedding photography business or looking to refine your processes, this guide is for you. It’s a culmination of my experiences and insights, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your client relationships.

Remember, the goal is to create unforgettable experiences for your couples. With this guide, you’ll have a robust tool to gather all the necessary information, manage expectations, and ultimately, deliver a service that exceeds their expectations.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your wedding photography business. Grab your FREE guide now and start enhancing your wedding workflow today!


I have a few tools in my toolbelt that will help you grow into the photographer you’ve always wanted to be!  Whether you are prepping to be a Click Pro Elite or you are just ready to start leveling up and making new goals check out these resources to help you grow!

FREEBIE: 100 Social Media Prompts that Encourage Engagement

DOORS NOW OPEN: Becoming A Click Pro

The Click Community

Must Have Tools for your Photography Business

What’s in my Bag – Cameras, Lenses, and More

Fearless Indoor Light – a Self-Paced course

Indoor Light Challenge

Film Challenge
(for the challenges, you must be in the Click Community)

Be sure to follow me on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest for more tips, tricks, and resources for photographers!


Lori Pickens is a Mother, Wife, and Tech Geek from Parkersburg, WV. She is a true lifelong local and has been photographing in the area for over a decade. Lori is also a Click Pro Elite and Click Community Mentor. When she’s not capturing pictures or spending time with her kids, she enjoys organizing her lists and spending time on her family farm!

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