The Dilemma
Oscar-winning director Ron Howard serves up a delicious comedy about two best friends and business partners — Ronny (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Kevin James) — who are about to land a fantastic deal when Ronny learns something about Nick’s wife, Geneva (Winona Ryder), that rocks his world. Ronny turns amateur sleuth to determine whether Geneva’s cheating on Nick and learns that telling a friend the truth is even more difficult than concealing it.[end italics]
Nathan gave it 2.5 out of 5 stars.
I give it 3 out of 5 stars.
127 HoursA mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive. [end italic[
Nathan gave it 3 out of 5 stars. |