Today we got to celebrate Brody turning 4 years old!
He looked so adorable in his hat, blowing out the candles on his super hero cake.
They had the party at a skating rink in Marietta. The boys had a lot of fun.
Sawyer mostly wanted to try and hop in them, which as you might guess, didn’t go so well, but he thought it was hilarious.
Cohen was surprisingly good at skating! This kid has crazy, awesome balance.
Beautiful Bryleigh was a pretty good skater too.
After some skating, we all took a break for pizza and snacks. Aren’t they just the cutest?
Rehydrating for some more fun
Finally, we finished up with some limbo. With some help from his cousins, Cohen was pretty pumped for his turn.
He got lots of cheers for making it under without hitting the pole.
All around it was a fun afternoon, to celebrate a very special little boy! Love you Bro, Bro <3