One of my very favorite activities at our church is Baby Dedications. I just think it is so neat to see the baby’s family come and promise to raise their child in a Christian home and make sure that the baby grows up knowing Jesus. I also love that part of the baby dedication is the church promising to nurture the baby and support it in it’s Christian walk. The whole idea of it just makes me feel like we are one big church family, and we are celebrating this new addition to it.
Now everyone probably knows that I am a pretty big fan of babies in general, but this little guy is extra special. Dawson is Nathan’s cousin, and we just adore him! We proudly went up front with his parents and brothers and promised to always be there for the little guy.
Bryce sang “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts. It was such a good song choice for little Dawson.
Here’s a picture of Dawson and his sweet family.
And finally one of him and his proud Daddy.