Cohen loves to sort and clean. Today, as with many days, he will come and ask for a wet wipe. He then proceeds to go around the room and wipe everything down. Our happy little cleaner…
Nathan and I have both been sick to our stomachs. Poor Nathan was so sick last night, he went in to the ER because he couldn’t stop throwing up. Needless to say it was a very long night for us all. Marvin and Jeanie came and helped us last night and stayed most of the day to help me with the boys. Unfortunately, they were around our germs all day, and now they are both sick! Mom and Dad had the stomach bug a few days ago, and are finally feeling better. So they were kind enough to take the boys for the evening and even kept them overnight, so we could get caught up on some sleep. So I am very lucky that I captured this photo when I did, because shortly after this I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until almost bedtime! Very grateful for having family so close, and lucky I had my camera laying out and didn’t mess up my P365 project.