This year we decided to have a little New Year’s Eve party at our house, and invited a few of our favorite couples to ring in the new year with us. We had sooo much food it was ridiculous. Seriously, I think everyone brought enough food that it would have fed everyone there – times that by 5 couples, and you can imagine the kind of spread that we had. We had fun hanging out, talking, and even managed to fit in a few games of Ultimate Werewolf. I was also pretty pumped when everyone was on-board with me setting the timer and getting some group shots for the evening. Here’s one of each happy couple.
And then just for fun, we took some silly group shots.
And finally one of the guys.
As of this point, we decided at least 7 of the 8 people will be invited back next year. We’re still deciding on the other one ( wink, wink). Thanks for a great night gang! We can’t imagine celebrating the new year any other way. And just in case there was any question, Scott is just a middle of the road kind of guy, and nothing special ever happens to him.