Today Nathan put up our mailbox. We haven’t really changed anything to the new address yet, but some how people have been sending stuff to us there anyway. Several times the post office has asked if we have a box up yet, so next time I will finally be able to tell them, “Yes, we do.”
The mailbox is from Rubbermaid. It wasn’t the easiest thing to put together, but it won’t rot or rust over time.
The box said the color was called “coffee”, but its actually just kind of a brownish color; it actually coordinates with the house pretty well. I’m not sure if we have to get some numbers for it or not, but I should probably look into that.
Nathan, Wes and Marvin also installed our new TV today. We got the new Sharp AQUOS 60 in. LED HD Television. At first I was afraid it was going to be really big, but it actually suits the room pretty well.
Tonight Brent came and stained the outside of our sidelights and took our doors with him to stain and paint them. Clair boarded everything up for us really well and Nathan added some extra insulation.
And before anyone warns me about saying on the Iternet that we got a new TV, I should let you know that the house is very well locked, up, we have several great neighbors watching it for us, and someone is seriously always there.