Lori Pickens

Five on Friday


So here are the highlights from my week:

1.) BPD Photo Club – Our local photo club met yesterday. Jeremy brought his alien bee/octabox and wireless triggers for all of us to try out. It was really cool, and I definitely learned some things about balancing off-camera light w/ ambient. Also, it gave me one more thing to add to my wish list of awesome things that Jeremy has, and I wish that I did.

2.) Birthdays – Wednesday was my BIL’s 24th birthday – Happy Birthday Bryce 🙂

3.) Catherine’s Spicy Chicken Soup – I tried a new recipe last night for a spicy chicken soup. It was actually very delicious. If you want to give it a try you can find the recipe here. It’s definitely one I recommend.

4.) Land of opportunities – Recently we have been looking at different lots to build on or various homes for sale. There is one neighborhood and one 3 acre lot that we are seriously considering. We don’t really plan to start building until next year, but there are a lot of details we are trying to figure out now. Both options have a lot of really good points to them, and it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes to think about it all. Here’s hoping we get it all figured out…

5.) Regional Social Studies Fair – Tonight Dad and I judged the Regional Social Studies Fair. It’s just something fun Dad and I can do together, and it also helps out the local schools.


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