It’s been another busy week, and I have a ton of things on my to-do list for this weekend
1.) The 5th try on the shower panel finally worked. We still have a few concerns about the way it was installed and how the whole issue was handled, but overal the door and panel look OK. At this point, I think this is the best it’s going to get, and we can live with that. I haven’t taken any new pictures yet, but basically the top of the door and the top of the panel now finally line up.
2.) DVR. For a long time we avoided getting a DVR. I always said I didn’t need one, because I had my own (DVR – Daddy Video Recorder). Well, we started wanting to record more and more things, and it became a hassle to watch things on VCR tapes and such. I love my Dad, and he did a great job putting up with our requests, but man oh man DVR is great. We got caught up on all the shows we missed while we were in Florida. We no longer have to watch commercials, and there is always something good to watch. Totally worth the investment!
3.) Delay wash – another new thing that I am loving! Our washing machine has an option to allow the wash to start after a certain number of hours. It’s not really something I ever thought about need, but it is actually very convenient.. I can put in the clothes and detergent in the morning or when I come home at lunch, and have them start an hour or so before I know I’ll get home. That way when I come in, they are ready to go to the dryer. My laundry is getting done earlier in the evening and I don’t have to worry about wet clothes that have sat in the washing machine for long periods of time.
4.) Carpet. We have been looking at carpet samples. We are planning to install it in the basement eventually and also looking for a rug for the family room. We like the new carpet that is kind of like the old shag, but thicker, and not quite as tall. Some places call it frieze, and some call it Californial berber. We also like the speckle kind that gives you the effect of the traditional berber. We have found some that are really thick and super soft.
5.) Digtial Scrapbook Celebration. Apparently DHD had some technical issues last week, so they are having another Digital Scrapbook Day Celebration this Saturday! There will be chats and prizes, and big sales. I’m co-hosting the chat at 1pm MST (3 EST), so be sure to stop by and say hi. Design House Digital