1.) Girls day out – Mom and I went to Columbus yesterday. We had to pick my Grandma up at the airport, so we figured we might as well get some shopping in first. We had a blast, like we always do! I got a new stainless steel trash can for the kitchen, a new pair of shoes, fabric for a new quilt, my “should have been Easter dress”, a few other items, and a wonderful day with my Mom.
2.) Tomatoes – Tonight Nathan and I put together our Topsy Turvy Tomato Plant. For awhile now we’ve been wanting to have a garden, but we just don’t have a good place for it at this house. So I decided to compromise and try the hanging plant idea. We never knew there were so many different kinds of tomatoes. We decided to go with Better Boy and Beefsteak tomatoes for no particular reason. I’ll be sure to let you know how my hanging plant experiment goes. unless I end up killing them, in which case I will probably never mention them again and hope that you all forget I ever planted them 🙂
3.) The Defining You class. I wrote about this class that I won yesterday, but I have been reading through some of it today, and I am even more excited. It’s all about describing the characters in your life and has some great ideas for journaling. The class also comes with several scrapbooking templates.
4.) Tech support – The head of my Internet Operations Division (aka my brother) has been working on some upgrades for the website. He’s making the whole thing a little more user-friendly for me, and hopefully adding some new functionality like allowing my readers to leave comments.
5.) I found out this week that John, Michelle, and Evan are coming into visit at the end of May. I miss Evan so much and hate the fact that they live so far away, so we always really cherish the time the times they come in town. In honor of their upcoming visit, here is my latest Evan layout.
The journaling reads:
Evan had recently started taking swimming lessons, so during his visit to West Virginia we took him to DuPont Park, so he could show off his new skills. He did such a good job! He swam back and forth from one side to the other. As he stopped at one side of the pool to catch his breath, a couple of young ladies stopped by and said, “You are such a good little swimmer. How old are you?” As loudly and proudly as he could, Evan announced, “I’m four and my mom’s forty.” The ladies burst out laughing. I looked over at Michelle who was on the other side of the pool deck blushing and shaking her head. What the women didn’t know was that Evan and his mommy share the same birthday. So I explained to the ladies that every year they celebrate their birthdays together, and I think that’s why he associates the two facts together.
The mini colored tags say: funny, the darndest things, HONEST, and mom and me
For credits and more information check out the scrapbooking section.