Five things I’m liking this week…
1.) Excedrin Migraine: This stuff is seriously a wonder-drug. It must have been made for the exact kind of headaches that I get. I woke up at 6:30 this morning with my head thumping. After an hour of slipping in and out of conciousness each time waking up with my temples about to explode, I finally forced myself to go down stairs and take some excedrine. After 20 minutes of laying there with my eyes closed and pillow on my head, my headache was gone, and I was ready to start my day. Not only did I start my day pain-free, but with a super boost of caffeine. And since I don’t normally drink anything with caffeine, it was quite a productive morning 🙂
2.) My parents came back from Florida on Tuesday: I was glad that they got to take a little vacation and that they got to visit Grandma and Pap. But I am even more glad that they are home. I find myself having things to tell or ask my mom off and on all day long, and I just like having her around. And what little girl doesn’t feel safer knowing that her Daddy is only ten minutes away.
3.) My women’s Bible study: This was the last week of our ten week study of the story of David. I have really enjoyed the study, and I feel like I have learned so much. If you are ever looking for a good bible study to follow, I highly recommend Beth Moore’s. I can hardly wait until the next one starts up in the fall. I hope we all strive to have A Heart Like His
4.) Running: I ran seven miles on Saturday, and it felt so good. I wish I had time to run like that everyday. I’m glad it is finally getting warmer (I am choosing to ignore the two days that it snowed this week) and that I can get outside and just go.
5.) Spring cleaning: OK, so I don’t actually like cleaning, but I do like the effects. Nathan and I have been cleaning out cabinets and closets and really getting our house organized. I’ve made some commitments to try and keep certain things neat and clean – dishes out of the sink, not dropping stuff in the entry way, keeping up with the laundry, and bringing my clothes downstairs each day. So far Nathan and I both have been doing a pretty good job, and I’m proud of us.