I’m a member of a local Facbook group that buys and sells baby and children’s items. The other day a lady posted these awesome art easels for only $10 each, and as a bonus she was selling two of them – which makes life nice for this twin-momma!
We came home yesterday evening with a little time to kill before bed, so we brought them out to the driveway and grabbed some markers. My two little artist, hard at work. Pie by one, magic wand at the foot of the other.
Working away
I love the concentration on this kid! Cohen takes his art very seriously!
And look at that stance – lol. His new favorite thing to do is make a bunch of scribble marks, look up at me and say, “What is it Mommy?” And then reprimand me, when my guess is way off…
Sawyer on the other hand, likes to do his own thing. Or he’ll ask me to draw him a Toodles, so he can color it in.
My two sweet boys, different as night and day, but both absolutely beautiful.
In addition to being used for art work, there are also fun to hide behind and jump out to scare mommy.
I’m sure we will make lots of more fun memories with these two easels, and I am one happy momma with my new purchases.